Samara Tawziat Choudhury, an undergraduate in the Biochemistry program at the School of Life Sciences (SLS), has won a full academic scholarship to pursue a Master’s in Biochemistry at North Dakota State University (NDSU) . NDSU is a flagship university in the United States and boasts extensive research programs in the sciences. It is well-known in Bangladesh as the place where noted author Humayun Ahmed received his Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry.
Samara has been a star performer in SLS, maintaining a perfect cGPA. For her thesis, she has done cutting edge work utilizing computational tools to look at possible co-evolution between host and bacterial proteins. She is currently in the process of writing a manuscript based on her work. Her extracurricular activities have included writing articles for the departmental blog, a run to the national final of the Famelab International Science Communication competition, and an ambassadorship with the Harvard South Asia Institute, which involved interviewing octogenarians to learn about their experiences during the 1947 partition.
We congratulate Samara on her achievement and are certain that she will thrive in her Master’s program in the United States.
DLS Biochemistry Student Wins Prestigious Scholarship for Master’s in the U.S.A.